The three on the preferred Male Female

Women are not men want to be admired? Surely all women want it. Unfortunately, not many women who actually know what the preferred male in a woman. There are 3 things that can not be avoided by men to be beloved in a woman. What?

1. Women's low smile

Women who make it look cheap smile easy to talk to, send out a confident attitude, warm, and cheery. Sometimes, women are often afraid to give the wrong impression, even keeping meetings lips and rarely smiling. Signal that men need women who want to approach it is women that are open and will not be rejected raw.

2. Women who listen (not the type that dominates the discussion)

Perception in the community are: women rarely listen, speak a lot of women happy (choosy). But the men needed only a little time to be heard. Thus, women are the type of hearing. However, sometimes because the men do not want to feel rejected and want to make women feel like he is happy, the man said that women happy talk, the men tend to be silent.

I wonder, if men like women to listen through the eyes (up in sympathy to the man when he is talking) and a cue to understand what men are talking. If the woman is happy to listen and not grab the content of the conversation, it is not impossible if the men will love him.

3. Women who dress feminine

They say, men are visual creature. Stimulus beautiful views and refreshing to see a man can menghinoptis. Not infrequently it would make women feel afraid and think that men only 'see' the women berparas beautiful (well, or section) only.

According to experts from, forget it. If you want to look feminine, try wearing pastel-colored clothes, dress nicely and politely, which also gives the curvature parts of the right without too visible 'seduce'.

Basically, men like the woman who has a soft quality. Not a man does not like women who dress tomboi wear pants or a comfortable, just like the clothes, the women do not look too different. Not too catch sight of them as well as the earrings that mengilap, sweet, colors, or dress nicely.
Conversely, if women wear strong colors (such as red light), can make a man to the level that is not conventional, or even not respond at all. So women can have a soft side, but it is difficult to see from the appearance. Usually, the more feminine (softer) a woman dress up, the more men who are interested.

How to Get Results Photo Not sharp and Blur

To get the image that is sharp and not blurred, there are several things that must be considered, among others:

1. Not actuation camera when taking pictures.
This needs to be done because every movement you make will be enlarged effect when you do zoom-in. So should you try to photograph the quiet. Way, take in the breath-in, hold a moment ago took the picture, after the new release of breath again. Or when necessary to use a tripod so the camera does not follow sway.

2. The possibility of blurred images can also be caused because you use the digital zoom, which is not actually a zoom and the results often appear blurred because the camera zoom in the size of its pixels to create a larger image is not really doing zoom-in on the object.

Would be better if you just turn off the digital zoom function on the camera. Believe it or not, as this condition is often very helpful. You may not be able to zoom closer again but you will get the results of a more clear picture.

3. To take photos of moving objects such as animals that are currently running or children that are discursive, try to follow every movement they make with the camera.
Take a picture while still moving and keep moving until the process is complete the image.

Would in this way you will get a picture with a sharp object.

Tips To prevent Hair Healthy and Strong

Not only women, who make the hair as mahkotanya. The man was worried when the snow began to attack.

Do not be worried because this can still be prevented by keeping hair how intensively since early and correct the process to slow the occurrence of gray hair and hair rontoknya be abnormal.

1. Maintaining the level of natural oil found in the scalp.

Excessive oil content will only prevent the oil channel folikel. Meanwhile, the natural oil content is too little will cause your scalp becomes too dry.
So that measure oil scalp still awake, you should know the right type of shampoo and with the condition of hair and scalp you.

2. Try massage therapy, such as your scalp or hair spa creambath as alternatives to be more healthy hair.

I wonder how this will slow the process of occurrence of gray hair and excessive hair kerontokan. Therapy with traditional natural materials, such as aloe vera, merang, and ginseng are also necessary in preventing hair fall and early growth of white hair.

3. Nutritious eating pattern is also important to ensure proper nutrition for the health of hair.

Some of the vitamin is important to get the hair to be healthy and strong, are protein, vitamin A, vitamin B complex (vitamin B2, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, folat acid), zink, iron, copper, Iodine, and inositol.

Various vitamins can help maintain the fertility of hair, as well as vitamin A that can help maintain the health of the skin, vitamin B complex to smooth oil production in order to maintain the health of hair and humidity, and vitamin B complex that it seems able to prevent hair growth.

4. White water consumption must be at least 2 liters per day to help delay the process of hair damage.

Tips Caring for Jewelry and Accessories

For most female, jewelry and accessories are very closely related with the clothes because the application is appropriate, will be able to do a push up.

Rings, earrings, ear stud, necklace, bracelet, belt bag, wallet is up to some type of jewelry and accessories that often decorate the body in daily life.

Here are some tips you can do to care for jewelry that still glisten, among others:

  1. Should avoid jewelry from concussion, friction, contact with chemicals, and temperature of hot and cold excessive, perhaps because it can damage the physical condition of jewelry.
  2. Keep jewelry in a place of repose a special soft material such as a separate bludru and other jewelry with each other so that does not rub against each other or disheveled, especially for the necklace.
  3. Especially for silver jewelry, you should keep in hermetic plastic, so that fulgent longer.
  4. Do not wear jewelry when berolah sport or at home working on the rough work such as washing and gardening.
  5. Avoid direct contact with the liquid cleaning paint nails, perfume, or hair spray.
  6. When swimming, you should not wear jewelry because of chlorine in the swimming pool water can damage the kilaunya.
  7. Clean jewelry regularly with detergent, special cleaning, washing or using the service / polish jewelry counter in a free subscription.
  8. For bags, belt, wallet and leather based, should be stored in bags flanel - usually bags this flanel obtained free of charge at the time of purchase. Special to the bag, or newspaper, enter the first paper to provide the volume that will form the bag does not penyok.
  9. Clean the accessories based skin leather with a wood cleaner or oil that are white in the market.

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