5 Tips For Mother Breastfeeding Obligation

Infants fed with mother milk water will get the best nutrition is not replaceable by milk formula even the most expensive though. Breastfeeding also paste braided love between mother and baby because:

  • My skin with her mother to make the brain release hormones oksitosin baby ( "hormone of love") that make them feel calm and protected.
  • breast milk koleksitokinin contain hormones that make the baby sleep easy.

Here are some tips for mothers who are breastfeeding:

1. Do not schedule the breast milk. Susuilah baby at the time of her request and stop only after he felt quite, because:

  • Babies have the stomach and the small breast milk very easily absorbed. The young age of the baby, the more quickly he felt hungry again. KapAir Milk production Ibutas breast milk between mother also bervaribreast milk. The small production, the often long and the baby must be fed. Only the baby itself who knows when the time should suckle.
  • Gynecology nutrition in breast milk issued during the Mother's Milk breastfeeding bervariAir. Per minute in the fat-minute initial low enough, then increased continuously until the last minute. When mothers stop breastfeeding before the time, the baby will be the lack of fat and hungry again quickly.
  • When breastfeeding is done in a scheduled, in three months breast milk production will decrease. Summary breastfeeding stimulates hormone secretion prolaktin that produce milk. The more frequent breastfeeding, the greater prolaktin issued. When breastfeeding mothers rarely, then the auto body also slowly reduce the benefit in prolaktin breast milk production.
  • Babies suckle not ask merely because of hunger, but also because of emotional needs and to be protected.

2. Keep the balance of the second breast. Susui with the second breast in turn. Each time you start, use the last disusukan breast.

3. Help when the baby shows symptoms will belch (Java: gumoh). Portrait with the vertical hold on the shoulder and back slap repeatedly. With the air so that terisap with breast milk will fade out.

4. When the breast milk will shine when breastfeeding, remove with a little baby hands to avoid the choke and refuse milk. To do this is to sustain the breast and soft massage to the areola and play around to massage breast quadrant. Then, press and areola with thumb and fingers to empty the water that Mother's milk is in sinus-sinus areola. Way other to remove the breast milk is the mechanical and electric pumps. When the breast swelling (engorgement) before breast milk issued with a pump, breast massage should first breast milk so easy exit.

5. For mothers who are forced to leave the baby, keep the water that Mother's milk can be given through the bottle when the baby was hungry. Mother's Milk of water can be stored in a clean place for 6-8 hours. When stored in the refrigerator, do not go through 2X given after 24 hours. breast milk can survive up to 2 weeks when stored in the refrigerator bertemperatur below 18 degrees centigrade. breast milk freezing does not much affect the nutrient contents and immune substances in it, provided that no over-heated before given to the baby. Heating above 62 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes will damage the cellular elements and substances in immune (IgG, Iga and IGN).


judi bola said...

I like it,,, nice thought

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