That's why Smoking What?

Cigarettes contain thousands of toxic material that is ready to destroy the body slowly. Heart disease and cancer is the cause of death can be caused by smoking habit.

Because the effect of dependence on cigarettes people buy and hold with a variety of reasons including the fact even though waste.

The Government has been doing a lot of ways to reduce the smoking habit and the fact is that many people already know that smoking is dangerous for health.

But why still many people who are smoking? Can not be denied again that smoking is a habit that favors and can also cause addiction.

Cigarettes which contain tobacco-based nicotine. This is the nicotine that makes smoking substances that cause addiction and grace.


Nicotine comes from the name of Jean Nicot introduces the substance in the medical field. Nicotine derived from tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum L or suspected to come from Argentina.

Redskin suck or chew tobacco in traditional ceremonies since time first. Colombus introduce tobacco to Europe in the year 1490.

After the start of tobacco spread to various parts of the world. This is the nicotine that makes smoking substances that cause addiction and grace.

Along with the development of science has been known that the tobacco in this case on cigarettes has resulted in various health disturbances.

In the year 1964, of the surgery in the United States says that smoking tobacco is a major cause of cancer tuberculosis. Various toxic substances is also known there is a burning cigarette on the results of dihisap.

Nicotine effects

The influence of nicotine on the central nervous and behavior, among others, increase awareness, reduce the tension at the time of mental stress, increase the short-term recall, shorten reaction time, reduce hunger and menigkatkan attention.

Nicotine effects in the comfort and cause of rangsangannya addicted due to the nerve center of the brain. Nicotine in the brain occupied reseptor kolinergik nikotinik.

In the brain there is an area that is called the Brain Pleasure System. If reseptor in these brain areas by nicotine dirangsang, will feel relief in favor of time.

After a delicious taste less, someone will again suck cigarettes. On the brain of a smoker will continue to rise dirangsang so addicted to nicotine if the measure in the blood are low.

Of course, taste delicious taste is also influenced individual racikan cigarettes of various brands of cigarettes on various.


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